Thursday, January 3, 2008

What Fishing Means To Me

What Fishing Means To Me

By Jason McMillin

My father started taking me fishing when I was 3 years old. He taught me so much about fishing and got me very interested in fishing at such a early age, that throughout my life so far fishing has been a big part of my life style. I go fishing all of the time and enjoy it so much. My dad was my fishing buddy throughout the years but sadly my dad passed away 2 years ago and I lost my best fishing buddy I can ever have. I started fishing by myself after he has passed away, but then it accord to me that he taught me about fishing and got me into fishing so that when I had my chance I could pass fishing on to others. I have been taking my friends out fishing, some of them have never fished before or has never caught any fish. Some of my friends can’t get into it but most of them have been really happy to be fishing and catching fish that they thought they could never catch. Fishing is just more to me now more than ever that it is not just about catching fish but enjoying time with your friends and or family and enjoying the nature around you, yes catching fish is very nice but if we go out and don’t catch anything, I can say we had a good time and enjoyed the nature around us. When I have kids I hope to be able to teach them to fish like my dad has taught me.

Jason McMillin

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